Mission & Goals
“Telling the generation to come the praises of the Lord, And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.” (Ps 78:4)”
Our History
Wayside Christian School began in the fall of 1973 under the leadership of the pastor and deacon board of Wayside Chapel. WCS was founded with the vision of assisting families and their churches in equipping students to achieve academic excellence, to make Biblically based decisions, and to exemplify and serve Jesus Christ.
The first two years of ministry were spent in the old Youth Center of Wayside Chapel. The existing elementary building was built during the summer of 1975 and was available for use that fall. The secondary building and gymnasium was completed in the summer of 1988.

Our Mission & Values
“Wayside Christian School exists to assist families and churches in equipping students to achieve academic excellence, to make Biblically based decisions, and to exemplify and serve Jesus Christ.”
The following core values are in place in order to guide us in accomplishing this mission:
- Academic Excellence
- Well Rounded Opportunities
- Dedicated & Loving Staff
- Biblical Authority
- Spiritual & Academic Growth
- Christ-Centered Community
Our Goals & OBjectives
WCS strives to offer the highest quality academics that challenge students of all ages to develop academically, spiritually, and socially. Beginning in K4 students enjoy a full range of related arts instruction including music, art, library and physical education. Classes at WCS are taught from a Biblical worldview and are designed to enhance and engage students in learning while challenging them to think critically. Our curriculum is designed to prepare students for entrance into college and to be Christian leaders who impact their world for Christ.
It is the desire of the Wayside Christian School board, faculty, and staff to accomplish the following objectives in every student who attends WCS:
Spiritual Goals
- Confidence in a personal relationship with Christ.
- Conviction that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, authoritative word of God.
- The ability to study God's word and to hide it in their heart.
- The capability of giving an answer to every man that asks a reason for the hope that is in them.
Academic Goals
- Think critically, independently, and creatively and solve problems and personal issues in a way that shows personal responsibility and seeks to honor God.
- Take initiative, set goals, and lead others as they prioritize tasks and follow them through to completion.
- Effectively communicate by conveying information, opinions, ideas, beliefs, and needs in a clear and concise way.
- Pursue Godly wisdom and discernment in applying knowledge to life situations.
Social Goals
- Recognize and treat every person, including the unborn, as an image bearer of God who has worth and value in the eyes of God.
- Model servanthood by seeking opportunities for service in the home, church, and community.
- Show Biblical respect and submission to authority both earthly and heavenly.
- Sense of patriotism and good citizenship by understanding and appreciating the American and Christian heritage.